The ELAU SM Servo Motors are obsolete and no longer being manufactured by ELAU / Schneider Electric. Luckily, Orbit Motion Systems has these SM Motors in stock.
SM Motor Options
When your machine is down, your options are limited to sourcing used motors, or to repair your existing unit. Since there are many variations of the ELAU SM Servo Motor, they are often the hardest PacDrive M product to find replacements for. While Orbit Motion Systems does have many of these SM Motors in stock, we do not always have the exact variation you may be looking for. If you plan on upgrading your ELAU PacDrive M system, Orbit Motion Systems has some options of how to deal with these obsolete motors.

PacDrive M is compatible with SH Servo Motors, the standard servo motor for PacDrive 3.
Since SH motors are compatible with the ELAU PacDrive M platform and the standard for PacDrive 3, Orbit Motion Systems has been conducting motor upgrades from the ELAU SM Servo Motors to SH Servo Motors. Limited programming is needed to utilize these newer motors which are a 1:1 replacement for the SM Servo Motors. In addition to programming changes, new cables are required to connect to the ELAU MC-4 Servo Drives.

System Upgrade
Is The Upgrade Compatible With PacDrive 3 Upgrade?
Yes. The upgrade requires new power and feedback cables, new SH Servo Motors, and in some cases upgrade of the program. The SH Servo Motors are the standard for PacDrive 3 and the power and feedback cables can work with the PacDrive 3 Drives with little modification. We consider the SM – SH Motor upgrade a ‘phase one’ migration since we do not need to take down the machine for an extended period of time to replace the motors, cables, and controls all at once.
Is The Upgrade Worth It?
Yes. Depending on the damage of a failed SM motor, there is a chance that your motor may not be repairable, or you may have to wait the standard repair lead time of 6-8 weeks . In the event of this, you may not be able to obtain a spare motor, or if one is sourced, it may take days or weeks to get. By upgrading to the SH servo motor, you are using a motor that is still being sold by Schneider with many motors in stock in the US, and with Orbit.